This week we enjoyed preparing for our Dads in honor of Dads' Doughnuts next week.

We have been busy preparing projects to enjoy with our dads.
We read the story "If You Give a Dog a Doughnut" and counted doughnuts this week.
We spoke about families and know that every family is different and special to us. We painted family portraits this week.
The letter for this week was 'Oo.' We played in sensory bins with all things orange.
We squeezed orange juice too.
Our hebrew letter of the week was the letter samach. We traced our friends feet to get their sizes, then began cutting the paper to work on our fabulous slippers.
We were so excited to wear our new slippers that we made all by ourselves!
We had so much fun making fuzzy potions this week with baking soda, vinegar, and glitter.
We talked about the famous painting from Claude Monet, "Water Lilies," and taped our own visions of a bridge, painting around it as a tape resist art piece.
We enjoyed doing Yoga with Ms. Ace.
We loved meeting a new animal in Animaly.
Making challah and celebrating Shabbat together by singing really makes our fabulous week complete. Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom!