We are all so grateful to be back to a regular fun-filled week here in BJP. Our hearts go out to all those affected and we pray for their comfort and safety.

This week we continued learning all about the first Jewish man Avraham. We enjoyed playing in Avraham’s tent. Our classes got together for snack and circle time to practice Hachnasat Orchim, hosting guests.
We spoke about how Hashem told Avraham to move from the town he was in. At the time there were no cars, planes, and trains, which is a concept that led us to explore transportation by using vehicles in paint to create tracks.
This week we focused our learning on the human body. We traced our bodies and discussed what all of our insides do.
The lungs are for breathing, the heart is for pumping blood, and bones are for helping us move which we explored through a sensory bin of bones.
We practiced brushing our teeth and discussed the importance of taking care of our mouth and body too.
Our English and Hebrew letters were Kk and Caf. We used cars to create a Caf and collaborated to make a classroom kite.
We enjoyed music with Benny where we learned how to write musical scales and practiced singing and drumming to them.
In Animaly we were excited to meet a parakeet and learn all about it.
We enjoyed a Shabbos party together and challah baking to end our week. Wishing you all a good Shabbos!