This week of Chanukah festivities was so much fun!

We celebrated Chanukah in the traditional way Jewish people did for centuries! By eating! We made Latkes, Chanukah sugar cookies, and sufganiyot!
The children loved using their fine motor skills while peeling and grating all the potatoes. They worked hard!

Then we took the grated potatoes and mixed them together with a little flour, salt and love. They enjoyed watching, smelling and listening to the sizzle of latkes frying in oil! We sang our latke song and enjoyed eating them!

It was so nice to mix all the doughnut ingredients in a bag! We measured and poured sugar flour and other ingredients to make our dough.
We took them to the kitchen to fry in oil and glazed them as well! Thank you Erica and Sophie for your frying and glazing expertise!

We made cookie batter, and used cookie cutters to create Chanukah shaped cookies. We frosted them and they were delicious!
We spoke about fire safety this week. We know if there’s an emergency we dial 911. We know firefighters wear special clothes to protect them in a fire.

We loved dressing up like the fire fighters!
We know we stop drop and roll of fire gets on our clothes.

We also know we have smoke detectors and fire extinguishers to keep us safe! We used water to spray out the fire!
We spent the week celebrating Hashems miracles and enjoying the light! We loved lighting the menorah together, singing, dancing and reading stories! Being together and celebrating our favorite time of winter was awesome!

Words of the week
Fire Safety
How many candles do we use to light the menorah on the 8th night?
How do we stay safe around fire?
Why do we stop, drop and roll?