We are so excited and ready to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot.
We know all about celebrating in a Sukkah. We know we shake the Lulav and Etrog and we can’t wait!
We had fun this week making our Sukkah decorations. We used our fine motor skills to cut, bend and glue our beautiful paper chains. We started the process in school and our wonderful PTA provided more for you to continue the fun at home!
We strung beads, water colored a beautiful picture frame, drilled holes and wrote welcome in Hebrew too. We are ready to welcome family and friends into our Sukkot this year.
We made our very own play doh from scratch and used popsicle sticks to create our own little Sukkot!
Thank you to the PTA!
A very special thank you to Pamela, Miri, and Monika for putting together our sukkot additions. They prepared little bags of sukkah fun with play doh and popsicle sticks so you and your child can create your very own sukkot at home.
A very special Happy Birthday to Lyanna! We had so much fun celebrating with you!
Words of the Week:
Ask Your Child:
Where do we eat on the holiday?
What is the name of the yellow fruit we shake?
What is the name of the top of the sukkah?
Have a wonderful Sukkot filled with love and laughter. Shabbat Shalom!