We had such a beautiful week celebrating with all our BJP families at the model Seders.
Thank you all for coming and singing with us! We loved being able to give you all the projects we've been working on and we know they will be a hit at your holiday Seders.
This week we were busy having Pesach fun! We banged hammers to make our own grape juice.
We counted and sorted while playing matzah balls MATH.
We squished in the Nile river with our Makot made from homemade chipchpeas & green food coloring.
We painted flowers inspired by Georgia O'keefe.
We colored paper to find the Afikomen.
We celebrated so many birthdays this week! Emily in Kita Aleph turned 3, Mila in the Nook turned 1, Caleb in the Nook turned 2, and Abigael in Gimmel turned 5!
We hope you have a wonderful Pesach holiday. We can’t wait to come back in two weeks and hear all about it!