Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B'Simcha: When Adar Begins, Joy Multiplies.
We made delicious Hamantashen in honor of the new month, Rosh Chodesh Adar, this week!
We are so happy to be learning about the upcoming holiday of Purim! We have been preparing a Puppet theater to tell the story at home.
We have been dressing up as the Characters to use as puppets.
We have been reading the story of the Megillah. We know King Achashverosh had a mean advisor Haman. We know Esther was so brave and saved the Jewish people with Mordechai. We know all about Shushan town and built our own castles with blocks.
We are excited to shake the graggers we made to say Boo to Haman. We chose our sound and filled them after we painted them.
This week we did spin art for the Hebrew letter Samech.
We practiced our lacing skills on Hamamtashen.
Ella in Kita Bet 2 celebrated her 4th birthday!
We enjoyed dance with Morah Brittney.
We love having Shabbat Party, Challah Baking, Playball, and Animaly to end off our beautiful week.