Purim is finally here and we are so overjoyed to send you all the beautiful projects we’ve been working on for several weeks.

We decorated tubes to put our beautiful Megillah scrolls in.
We made puppets with our friends' bodies, where they can dress up as all the characters in the Megillah story: King Achashverosh, Queen Vashti, Mordechai, Queen Esther, and Haman.
We painted and watercolor Maracas as Graggers to shake, as we don’t want to hear Haman's name when we read the Megillah.
We painted crowns that we can wear on Purim!
We made delicious hamantaschen.
We decorated our own Mishloach Manot baskets.
We had so much fun sewing hamentashen.
We enjoyed horse mane beading.
We focused on the Hebrew letters Tav and Sav and finished introducing our Hebrew Alphabet!
We focused on the letter Vv and made an explosion volcano.
We enjoyed Music with Morah Robin
We had a blast in Playball with Coach Anthony.
We had the BEST time riding a horse just like Mordechai rode the king's horse in the Purim story.
We loved ending off our week making challah, having a school-wide Shabbat party, and dressing up in costumes and celebrating Purim together.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!