What a great week we had learning about Shofars.

We know we hear the shofar to wake us up to do more Mitzvot.
We know the shofar makes 3 sounds and we know what they are called. Tekiya which is the long one, Shevarim which is the 3 medium sounds, and teruah which is 9 short sounds.
We explored shofars, listened to all the different sounds, painted and glued shofars, and sang songs about shofars.
We have been working on self portraits. We love to do them every few months and see how our portraits progress throughout the year.
We also made king crowns because we know this month the king is in the field in the month of Elul. Which means Hashem is right here with us waiting for our prayers!
We loved having Yoga this week with Ms Ace! We stretched our bodies and moved on our yoga mat practicing our forms Namaste!
We had Playball with Coach Anthony too!
We love having Fridays with our whole school celebrating Shabbos drinking grape juice, singing songs, decorating challlah bags, eating challah and making challah to enjoy at home!
We look forward to next week when we learn what apples have to do with Rosh Hashana.
Shabbat Shalom